Things I Write

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My LinkedIn Profile

I decided to update my LinkedIn profile...

I am now considered:

  1. A Barista at Downpours Coffee (and hopefully their social media marketer soon, too)
  2. An Independent Contractor Vocal Coach with University of Rock
  3. A Vocal Teacher with Voice Lessons by Shannon (no clients yet, though, shh)
  4. The After School Program Facilitator with Mi Casa Resource Center at North High School

I just got the call about the After School Facilitator as I was walking to work today. I did a few fist pumps in the air as I was on the phone and I was giddy my entire shift. I felt like dancin'.

Thank you again to everyone that helped brainstorm the idea and contributed to my Video of Recommendation. It may just be pure chance, but I got the first job I applied for using that video. In the off chance that it helped, I recommend you try it too :) If nothing else, it's kind of fun to reconnect with old friends :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Video of Recommendation

Sometimes, written word just isn't quite enough to seal the deal for a first interview. 

A few days ago, I contacted a LOT of people (some of you!) that I know from my various college extra curricular activities and past work experiences. I asked everyone to follow this simple prompt: 

Tell my future boss why they should hire me. 

The results were awesome, heart-warming, inspirational, and forever appreciated. Here is what I turned all those responses into:

I have an interview with the first company that I submitted this "Video of Recommendation" to on Friday.  I am beyond ecstatic. 

Thank you Claire, Ethan, Jess S., Jessica, Kylie, and Sam for contributing your kind words and helping make this interview HAPPEN!! :)

If this job doesn't work out, though I'm REALLY hoping it does, please feel free to contribute to my little (and ridiculously meaningful) project. Feel free to email any "videos of recommendation" to me at Thank you all for your unending support. 

Good night!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Moving in July

Disclaimer: A lot of this information is repeated, though in more general terms, but definitely still repeated. Nearly every day of the beginning of July, as most of you know, I updated the whole web-universe about my trek, smiles, and troubles of moving to Colorado.

Another disclaimer: I usually write in my journal every single day…but I have two and a half days of empty pages…which is really depressing. It’s the first time this has ever happened. I guess that just proves how pooped I was at the end of every day…I guess…

4th of July

The 4th of July this year was about the best it could possibly be. I ran the 20th annual Lake Forest Firecracker 5k with my dad and brother, beat my fastest 5k time by over a minute, saw a bunch of high school friends after my race, AND met a couple of Doug’s closest friends from Long Island who now live in (or happened to be visiting) New Port Beach, CA. We watched some of the World Cup game, consumed mimosas, and played soccer, football, and Frisbee on a huge field all day. It was the most exhausting and entertaining day.

World Cup Soccer

Since Doug flew into San Diego on the day of the US vs. Germany game (July 1st), I made a whole day out of it. I went down to SD again and bugged (my forever #plusone) Emma. Emma, her roommates, and I all headed to the Pacific Beach Bar and Grill to watch the heartbreaking yet very exciting US vs. Germany game. For those of you who didn’t watch this game...essentially USA was on the verge of losing 2-0 (which was more or less expected) when all of a sudden we got a goal. Time, of course, ran out…but that glimmer of hope…that chance they could tie it up and go into extra time nearly had my heart jumping out of my chest. Great game.
Emma and me in America gear after the USA vs. Germany game.
One of my and Doug’s first days in Denver, we made (what we now consider) a huge mistake in taking a break from productivity to watch the Germany vs. Brazil game. A game that ends in 7-1 is NOT a fun game to watch…especially when you’re rooting for the underdog, the way way WAY underdog in this instance…

For the final Germany vs. Argentina game, Doug and I bolted over to Tennyson’s Tap, the dive bar on the corner, immediately after throwing all of our belongings into our newly rented house. Because I apparently struggle with translating time zones, Doug and I showed up to the bar an entire hour before the game even started (oopsies). Lucky for us, the two owners were there and were happily welcoming us to the neighborhood with Irish coffees, local beer and whiskey tasters, and a mouthful of their “Green Fairy”—their new Absinth drink. We chose (wrong again) to root for the underdog. The game was impeccable though…and it’s hard to be upset with such a gorgeous German goal that close to the end. Watching the game in Tennyson’s Tap was certainly my best decision since moving here.

The Long Drive to Colorado…

…was gorgeous and intermittently terrifying. The first day of the trek, we were in the middle of a summer storm for about 4 of the 12 driving hours. But when it cleared up, man oh man, everything was breath-taking. Below are some pictures from the drive out. I’ll spare the small details of the trip since they can be seen in earlier posts, but if you haven’t read them yet, there were a few funny stories to be told.

The storm we couldn't avoid driving into...
The unavoidable storm, mid-experience.
The gorgeous sunset in Grand Junction, CO.
A big ol' rock.
View from San Rafael Swell in Utah.

Doug and I at another view point in Colorado
View point panorama.

Let the Interviews Begin

Back in May when Doug, Alex, and I more legitimately decided to make Denver a reality, I began applying for “marketing jobs” here. I heard back from nearly all of them (exciting!) but of course wasn’t able to set up their in-person only interviews until I arrived in the area. I reconnected with all of the companies and 4/5 of them were still hiring and offered to give me an interview. I finally had the chance to put on my fancy pants (in this case—a professional dress) and practice my interview skills. As many of you may have remembered from the post, Today’s Epiphany, these interviews really did only serve the purpose of practice. The three companies I interviewed with before my little epiphany all advanced me to the second of their three round interview process (which I proceeded to cancel because I knew I’d be wasting their time)…and the fourth company was the company that (I feel) I totally embarrassed myself at. Luckily, though, if it weren’t for that last interview and the advice that came along with it, I would probably still be jobless, bored, spending too much money on coffee, and sending in a dozen resumes a day. When I told the interviewer what I wanted (after I apologized for wasting both of our time), he told me to get a job in the service industry, network with the customers, volunteer, and THEN see if you can get an in in the nonprofit world. So far, the first three are a part of my life…let’s hope the last comes true soon, too!
A (double) rainbow on one of the many Denver to Fort Collins commutes.

Here’s a cool story. Two days after my epiphany and awkward interview, I decided to play to my strengths. As some of you know, I was the marketing intern at the relatively new coffee shop in my college town, San Luis Obispo, called Coastal Peaks Coffee. I had the pleasure of working with Dean Mignola of Mignola Marketing and soaked up tons of small coffee business marketing knowledge. With this knowledge, I found a local coffee shop that I thought would benefit most from some social media marketing. I studied the business all day, made a marketing plan, a chart showing their weaknesses in the online community, and called it a day. The next day, I walked in there with my resume and marketing plan in hand. I told them where the holes were, what I could do to fix them, and proceeded to have an impromptu interview to be a barista as well. I got a call later that day welcoming me to the Downpours Coffee family and a promise that the marketing stuff will be implemented in the near future. Boo-yah. I’ve been there almost three weeks now…and it rocks.

Doug’s Birthday Dinner

Doug’s lovely mother asked where we were going for Doug’s birthday, called ahead, and took care of the bill in advance. It was very sweet. We ended up at a place called Enzio’s, an Italian restaurant in Fort Collins, CO, that also had gluten-free options (happy day!). We ate delicious food, split a bottle of wine, and I ordered a gluten-free chocolate torte for dessert. I thought I died and went to heaven. The three of us sat there for nearly 3 hours talking about who knows what, laughing, and getting excited for moving into our home for the next year the very next day! I love those boys. I definitely chose some winners.

The “New” House

Our house was a fixer-upper for the landlord and we are the first people to rent at this location since its series of renovations. This means that the dust and crud of the contractors from the previous 3 months had been piling up. We made a deal with our landlord that we would clean the entire house for money off next month’s rent. This might have been a good deal? But maybe not. All I know is that each of us spent about 6 hours a piece (at least) vacuuming the carpets and blinds, sweeping out cupboards, dusting the floorboards, wiping down the walls, and windex-ing every single surface…just to get the first layer of dust off.
My parents drove out to Denver only one week after we moved into our house! They brought two beds, two dressers, two bookshelves, a couch, coffee table, kitchen table, chairs, and a desk. They furnished our entire home with just one U-Haul truck and they had a chance to see where I get to spend the next 12 months of my life :)

The Gluten Escape Bakery

One of my first days in Denver, I emailed a few 100% gluten-free business owners. I think I mentioned a few months back in this post – [post here] – I would love to have my own gluten free bakery. Only one business owner, Kathy from The Gluten Escape Bakery in Denver, got back to me. I had the chance to sit down with this woman for an hour and just picked her brain about everything. How long did it take to create the business? How much time does she spend at the bakery? How many food allergies does she attend to? What type of gluten free flours does she use? Etc etc etc. It was awesome. It also is causing me to re-think my gluten-free bakery plan a bit…

The Simple Serendipities

This month more than other months, lots of awesome stuff happened. This post is already long and I’m still leaving out a bunch of cool stuff. Here are just a few of the incredible small details.

Oatmeal. The first night Alex, Doug, and I were all in our house together, we laid on the floor looking up adorable videos of teacup pigs. We decided if we get one, we will name him Oatmeal. Daww.

Voice Lessons with Shannon. I made business cards, a Facebook page, and advertised a bit on Denver Craigslist for giving voice lessons. I heard from someone but it turned into nothing…but the last day of July I got a phone call from a voice lesson company for an interview. Check out to see how that turned out… 

Family Dinner. I made a delicious is gluten free margarita pizza on the night of July 21, 2014. This was the first night Doug, Alex, and I sat at our kitchen table at the same time and shared a meal. It made me really happy :)

Mini Prank War. Doug smashed a Nutella covered pancake on my face the night we made breakfast for dinner. Don’t worry; I retaliated the very next morning. Since I had work at 7am that day and Doug didn’t until the afternoon, I put a little bit of peanut butter on the only inside door handle of his room. As I was walking home from work that day, I received this text message: “You little punk…” The way he tells it, when he woke up and opened his door, he was so disgusted he pulled his hand off without opening it…which means he had to grip the peanut butter smeared handle twice before even escaping his room.  We called a truce immediately—I so won.

New Friends. I have a super awesome co-worker that took me around our little neighborhood on foot the other day. By the end of the night, her husband, Doug, and Alex met up with us at Berkeley Untapped and then Hops and Pie. What a wonderful evening.

Maxwell Falls Hike. Doug and I went on a beautiful hike. It ALMOST rained on us…but somehow we got lucky and it didn’t. Look how beautiful! :) Oh, and we made a new blog called Tour de Plank. Go us. 


Team Leaders in Denver. Erin and Hazel passed through Denver on their drive out to Milwaukee. Boy, are we in a good spot for people to visit on road trips! Ah, it was so incredible to have company :) 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our New Fridge

Just in case anyone was wondering how Denver is going right now...

This is our (temporary) fridge: 

The electricity on half the house likes to go out a couple times a week. The half that goes out is the one with the refrigerator, stove, oven, router...ya know, the unimportant stuff...