Well, as I write this little July post introduction, it is only the 53rd hour of being here in Vicksburg , Mississippi . I figured it’d be best to put down my initial thoughts and reactions into this post before too much time passed. So here it goes:

We have only had 12 hours of training so far out of the full-time 4-week training program we are about to embark on and already the stakes are high. There is no funny business with this program. We are here to serve our country, help local communities, grow young individuals into leaders, and positively represent the AmeriCorps program as the incredible entity that it is. As an AmeriCorps representative, a Team Leader, and a member of the second class of FEMA Corps our responsibilities are far-reaching, significant, and constantly changing. I know that for me, flexibility and adaptability will be my greatest challenges this upcoming year. No matter, I absolutely cannot wait to see what aspects of FEMA Corps test or uplift me, create doubts or instill hope in me.
I have heard this about a million times in the few hours I have been here: “This job is not going to be easy.” This sentence frightens me, it intimidates me, and it makes me feel outstandingly proud. I knew that daunting piece of information coming in and I came anyways. I hardly know (and still haven’t met) most of the people I will be working with, but because they took my same leap of faith into this program, I already know this: Each and every person who embarks on this journey is courageous, selfless, and inspirational and I am already so proud to call each and every one of them my teammate.
So, here is to FEMA Corps Class 20! May we all courageously and selflessly embark on this journey hand in hand and heart in heart. I look forward to changing lives with each and every one of you.
On Thursday afternoon, the Team Leaders of FEMA Corps Class 20 said the AmeriCorps Pledge together for the first time. I definitely took a video of it...but unfortunately the uploading process is not working in my favor. Nonetheless, I still thought it was important to include the pledge of the program I will be dedicating my life to this upcoming year. Here it is:
The AmeriCorps Pledge
I will get things done for America ;
To make our people safer, smarter, and healthier.
I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities.
Faced with apathy, I will take action.
Faced with adversity, I will persevere.
I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond.
I am an AmeriCorps member and I will get things done!
Update on the right now:
Arrived in Vicksburg , Mississippi on Wednesday July 24, 2013
About to spend my first weekend in Vicksburg with my new teammates and friends...it's Friday night...see ya! :)
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