A lot of awesome, professional, and networking things happened today...but multiple things also nearly made me cry I laughed so hard. Let's do a quick recap of each, huh?
Serious half:
- Interview today went great-- I have a second interview on Tuesday
- Got a call back from yesterday's interview-- second interview scheduled for Wednesday
- Met with the downtown Lounge/Bar owner I was in touch with yesterday about being an events coordinator for the bar's "off" days...we will be in touch next week after I do a bit of research and see what I can do with my nearly non-existent network. This is the first job interview that actually has me excited and will surely cause me to leap out of my comfort zone...
- Officially signed the lease. Everything is set. Now all we have to do is get our crap there, get beds, and put the utilities in our names. BOOM!
- I was able to relax while I waited for Doug to finish his work shift since him and I are sharing the Prius during our long Fort Collins/Denver commute days. I drove near our new home and got a mani-pedi at a nearby nail salon
Ridiculous half:
- Doug completely forgot to put the car in park when he got out at the mall this morning. Worry not, we hit nothing and the Prius' idle is pretty slow. But I cried I was laughing so hard. Doug FREAKED out (as he should have...). I guess its safe to say we're not 100% used to the park button yet.
- I accidentally drove the incorrect way down a one-way street after I picked Doug up...
- I found our way to the freeway to get back to Fort Collins from downtown Denver...but then I didn't know what exit to take in FoCo so I almost drove all the way to Wyoming...
- WE SAW A MEERKAT (or ground hog?) IN A TARGET PARKING LOT-- what!?
- There was a beautiful double rainbow as we drove back to Fort Collins tonight

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