Things I Write

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hardest Day of Denver (so far)

I cried a lot today. 

Yep, I did. This is hard. 

This experience of searching for a job that I actually believe in is defeating. I'm working 40 hours a week just looking for a job I care about...and in the meantime I'm doing nothing I care about. I've hardly exercised, read, laughed, sang, or volunteered. 

Luckily that changed today at about noon. I reached out to a bunch of non-profits through Mile High United Way. I will be volunteering tomorrow afternoon with Generation School's Network and I intend to go to a mentor workshop next Wednesday to support the youth of Denver Metro Area. At least now I'll be broke, job hunting, and feel like I have some purpose. And who knows, this may open up some excellent networking opportunities for me. 

As for the most recent set of tears (I believe the count is up to five today?)--they were happy tears. I found a running group down the street that seriously kicked my butt today, they aren't kidding that the air is thinner up here. When I got home, the house was empty and this was sitting on the counter for me: 

My very own mug, some tea, and a note saying "Shan, I thought you could use a nice way to end the day. Love, Doug."...along with dinner sitting on the stove. 

Days like today are hard, exhausting, and defeating...but just look at the support I have. Even if Doug and I weren't dating I bet there would still be a note and a treat. And I'm sure I'll get a big hug and encouraging pep talk from Alex the moment I see him. 

Denver may kick my butt every single day...but I'm here specifically for that challenge and for the relationships I have with my roommates. 

This may have been the least thought out plan I've ever made in my whole life...but I intend to see it through with absolutely no regrets. 

Tomorrow will be a great day and the next will be even better. I will make sure of it. 

Ps, Doug got another job!! Go Doug!! :) 

Ta ta for now! 

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