Things I Write

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


This June post is something that I have put off writing for quite a while. To be fair, since June hit, I’ve moved from Mississippi back to California, went on vacation in Lake Tahoe with my family, moved to Colorado, applied to about a zillion jobs and now have a gig at a coffee shop and volunteering on the side. I’ve been busy, yes, but I think this post is delayed for more reasons than that. I’m still putting off the inevitable processing of my year with AmeriCorps NCCC. Looking through my highlights from the month of June has made me realize how unbelievably different my life is now compared to then…and perhaps not different in the best way. I went from caring for the well-being and development of my team members every single day to working at a coffee shop and wanted terribly to do something good.

The End of an Era: AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps

The first eleven days of the month were the last eleven days of my year as a Team Leader. Our final transition was full of the normal van cleaning, debriefing, scrambled packing, unit meetings, and something extra special. This final transition was also full of graduation preparation. Speeches for outstanding Corps Members were written, ceiling tiles that will immortalize Class 20 FEMA Corps forever were created, and thoughtful reflections occurred all over campus.  The graduation banquet and graduation were beautiful. Darin, Sarah, Katie, and I rocked the National Anthem. And I couldn’t be more proud of my friend Erin for winning Team Leader of the Year.

As soon as graduation ended, the Team Leaders and campus staff herded nearly 200 people onto busses and into personal vehicles and campus was a ghost town within two hours of the celebration. As soon as the last Corps Members trickled off campus, [most of] the Team Leaders jumped hand-in-hand into the Southern Region AmeriCorps NCCC campus pool, screamed at the top of our lungs, and did our first Corps-Member-free Team Green cheer in 10 months.

The final days of AmeriCorps were spent cleaning and organizing campus, in New Orleans with the biggest and best group of friends I’ll ever have, at the drive-through daiquiri place with Sarah, Claire, and Amanda just the way we started the year, and at a bar doing a heck-of-a-lot of karaoke. Those final days were demanding…physically and emotionally…but I couldn’t imagine a better or more gratifying way to end this rough-around-the-edges year. Best people I know.

75 Miles before Graduation

I set a goal for myself back in mid-April. I wanted to run 75 miles before June 5, 2014 (AmeriCorps Graduation). I set it so that I would get out and about in springtime Washington, DC. I ran the National Mall on the regular…and I completed my goal on June 4, 2014. According to my dad, that is National Running Day! What a day to complete my goal!

Home Sweet Home

Immediately upon arriving home, I scoured through the entirety of my room. Two days after arriving home, I had a garage sale to try to get rid of all my things. Boy was that unsuccessful. It was fun though…

I visited my best friend Emma in San Diego where I was greeted with chalked hellos all over her driveway…

I watched my mom kill a bug in our new living room set up. It was probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen…

I played Balderdash and Game of Things with my family a whole bunch of times…usually at Daniel’s suggestion…smart guy, that Daniel.

I saw two of my awesomely good friends, Bryanna and Allyson, and chatted for hours and hours and smiled and laughed and enjoyed seeing each other for the first time in months…

I crafted and painted my two button trees :)

Vacation in Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. I watched so every single World Cup game, I bought my favorite ring ever, rode bikes to a handful of Tahoe beaches with my parents, and got the most incredible massage of my life. I relaxed more than I have in over a year and it was unbelievable.

Want to know what was even cooler than relaxing and spending time with my beloved parents? I got to see two Team Leaders after graduation, already :) Mike and Derek worked it out that they could stay in Tahoe with us for a few nights on their post-AmeriCorps road trip. We did a beginner rock-climbing class, went to happy hour at the resort, played tons of pool, went on a little cruise across Lake Tahoe, played Catch Phrase (and got yelled at by an old man for being too loud), and ate lots of tacos, pizza, and pancakes :)

The Simple Serendipities

This month was full of things that made me happy…even the sad endings, the stressful packing, and the anxiety of moving here—to Colorado. Everything that happened in June, every moment up until then, and everything since is the reason I’m happy here. This is hard. I cry, a lot. I wish things were different. But I’m in love and I’m happy and I know this is where I am supposed to be. June was just the beginning. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today Was a Good Day Because I Made it So

My parking meter is about to be up...AH!!

But hear this--

  • I have a volunteering gig with Generation Schools Network
  • I talked with their volunteer coordinator about the non-profits in the area
  • I applied for two jobs today at:
    • Denver Public Library 
    • Alliance for Suicide Prevention
  • Someone contacted me about voice lessons!!
  • My business cards are shipped and on their way
  • I have a meeting with a gluten free bakery owner in Denver next Thursday
  • I received an informational packet about being a Friends for Youth mentor
  • The liquor store down the street is trying to order my favorite gluten free beer for me
  • I ate bacon for breakfast

I don't think today could have been any more successful...unless of course I got a job on top of all this. Then maybe it would be better. But even so-- look at that! From tears to this. 

Boy oh boy am I looking forward to some consistency in my days. Soon soon soon...

Cheers to tomorrow being better than today!

Also, my [not so baby] brother is feeling better AND my parents are coming out to Denver this weekend. I'm ecstatic. I LOVE AND MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH. MUAH!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hardest Day of Denver (so far)

I cried a lot today. 

Yep, I did. This is hard. 

This experience of searching for a job that I actually believe in is defeating. I'm working 40 hours a week just looking for a job I care about...and in the meantime I'm doing nothing I care about. I've hardly exercised, read, laughed, sang, or volunteered. 

Luckily that changed today at about noon. I reached out to a bunch of non-profits through Mile High United Way. I will be volunteering tomorrow afternoon with Generation School's Network and I intend to go to a mentor workshop next Wednesday to support the youth of Denver Metro Area. At least now I'll be broke, job hunting, and feel like I have some purpose. And who knows, this may open up some excellent networking opportunities for me. 

As for the most recent set of tears (I believe the count is up to five today?)--they were happy tears. I found a running group down the street that seriously kicked my butt today, they aren't kidding that the air is thinner up here. When I got home, the house was empty and this was sitting on the counter for me: 

My very own mug, some tea, and a note saying "Shan, I thought you could use a nice way to end the day. Love, Doug."...along with dinner sitting on the stove. 

Days like today are hard, exhausting, and defeating...but just look at the support I have. Even if Doug and I weren't dating I bet there would still be a note and a treat. And I'm sure I'll get a big hug and encouraging pep talk from Alex the moment I see him. 

Denver may kick my butt every single day...but I'm here specifically for that challenge and for the relationships I have with my roommates. 

This may have been the least thought out plan I've ever made in my whole life...but I intend to see it through with absolutely no regrets. 

Tomorrow will be a great day and the next will be even better. I will make sure of it. 

Ps, Doug got another job!! Go Doug!! :) 

Ta ta for now! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Today's Epiphany

As you all know, I've been busy as can be with interviews, moving in, and now cleaning this dust ridden place up (oh, it is so bad).

After my interview today with a third "marketing" company in Denver, I came to a self-respecting conclusion. Quick background on these companies: one is essentially door to door sales to individuals, another is door to door sales for small businesses, and the last is as one of those people who sit at booths in Costco or Sam's Clubs. While these companies probably offer good leadership opportunities and the chance to step out of my comfort zone about a million times a day, I can't settle for these positions. I am too educated, too motivated, too much of a creative asset, and too passionate about people and making a difference in people's lives to be in this kind of position. Yes, I need a job and yes I need one soon...but these options so far are too degrading to the things I value most about myself. 

I had the best job in the entire world this past year. I worked for a corporation that literally changes people's lives. I know it will be a challenge to find a job as meaningful with an actual paycheck...but I need to find something close. Anything close. And I may have today. I found a nonprofit position in education, applied for it, and now I am (yes, I'm about to say it) praying about it. 

I need to make money this year and for the rest of my life, but I want my work to mean something. Tomorrow I take a turn in my application approach. Find companies I love first...and then hope they have a position open. Not the other way around. 

Okay. Rant-ish-thing over. I can't wait to be excited about this job search process again. I definitely needed to put some of my values and self-worth in check before I found something. Now that I have, I can relax and hope for the best :) 

On another note, look how Doug and I ate dinner tonight: 

But don't worry--furniture is on the way. My dad is bringing stuff out this weekend!! Thank you thank you thank you so much Dad. I can't wait to show you my new house (and take you to te awesome corner bar we found)!! I love you and mom so very much. Thank you for helping and being so supportive through this whole process. I can't wait to see you :) 

Okay...time to run out for a bit. I think we need wine...bye :) 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

No Internet Connection Yet...

I don't have internet at our new place this is a lame phone update. 


Wake up, pack, drive, unpack, go to awesome corner bar called Tennyson Tap, watch World Cup game, shop for cleaning supplies, clean, make/eat dinner, clean up after dinner, pack tomorrow's lunches, prepare for interviews tomorrow, figure out logistics of sharing the Prius, prepare for sleep...

Hopefully I sleep tonight. I didn't last night. Fingers crossed! Good night all! More details to come tomorrow :) 

Saturday, July 12, 2014


This day needs only one update: 

Alex and I just encountered a skunk and made it out alive (and smelling of normal human). 

Oh and look at this pretty moon: 

Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday Doug! We love you! :) 

First Work Week of Denver Completed

A lot of awesome, professional, and networking things happened today...but multiple things also nearly made me cry I laughed so hard. Let's do a quick recap of each, huh? 

Serious half:

  • Interview today went great-- I have a second interview on Tuesday
  • Got a call back from yesterday's interview-- second interview scheduled for Wednesday
  • Met with the downtown Lounge/Bar owner I was in touch with yesterday about being an events coordinator for the bar's "off" days...we will be in touch next week after I do a bit of research and see what I can do with my nearly non-existent network. This is the first job interview that actually has me excited and will surely cause me to leap out of my comfort zone...
  • Officially signed the lease. Everything is set. Now all we have to do is get our crap there, get beds, and put the utilities in our names. BOOM!
  • I was able to relax while I waited for Doug to finish his work shift since him and I are sharing the Prius during our long Fort Collins/Denver commute days. I drove near our new home and got a mani-pedi at a nearby nail salon

Ridiculous half:

  • Doug completely forgot to put the car in park when he got out at the mall this morning. Worry not, we hit nothing and the Prius' idle is pretty slow. But I cried I was laughing so hard. Doug FREAKED out (as he should have...). I guess its safe to say we're not 100% used to the park button yet.
  • I accidentally drove the incorrect way down a one-way street after I picked Doug up...
  • I found our way to the freeway to get back to Fort Collins from downtown Denver...but then I didn't know what exit to take in FoCo so I almost drove all the way to Wyoming...
  • WE SAW A MEERKAT (or ground hog?) IN A TARGET PARKING LOT-- what!?
  • There was a beautiful double rainbow as we drove back to Fort Collins tonight

Friday, July 11, 2014

Stupid. Air. Mattress. Part 2.

We deflated it in the middle of the night. The amount of air in it caused us to both sink into the middle...which only increased the unbelievably high temperatures in our temporary housing. 

Nothing like a "good" nights rest before a day with two interviews or your first day of work at your new job...

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Stupid. Air. Mattress.

Me and Doug just blew up a full size air mattress with our mouths. The electric motor thing my parents loaned us didn't work.

I need oxygen. 

A Day of Successes

We got the place in Highlands Denver area and we move in Sunday!!!! ...thank goodness.

I had an interview today. I have two more tomorrow. One Monday. And potentially a follow up interview on Tuesday for the place I interviewed at today. Doug also found an incredible job that both him and I will be applying for tonight or tomorrow. I am about to write an awesome cover letter for that now...

Doug got a temporary job at a bar in downtown Denver...his first shift is already tomorrow night. While I am at my interview tomorrow afternoon, he is planning on continuing applying to places, but this time closer to our new home!! Since it is just temporary, he's hoping to make it as convenient as possible for himself while he applies for jobs that really make his heart soar. 

By some beautiful stroke of luck, Doug and I were able to make it back into Fort Collins at a reasonable hour, stopped and got a quick and cheap bite to eat, and went to a park to play soccer with Alex. It is the first time since the 4th that Doug and I have actually been able to be any amount of physically active during daylight hours. It was a necessary break from reality. It does mean, however, that after a day of walking in high heels and running ankle is a bit swollen again...womp womp :( Oh well, it is a price I'd gladly pay to get some exercise implemented into our outrageously busy and stressful days. 

Doug, Alex, and I bought a bottle of wine and just sat in the backyard of our temporary place and were, once again, real human beings with one another. I decided to call it a night a bit earlier than them so they could have some "bro" time...or whatever you call it...and so that I could get some alone time. I definitely don't feel like I have had a huge decrease in alone time (even though I have) and I'm still relatively sane (for me) but it is certainly a social necessity that I have to remember I need.

Well, I best be going. Here is a picture that I completely forgot to post last night. This is the Denver skyline as it nears nightfall. I'm falling in love more and more everyday. Here's to hoping for even more success tomorrow. Sleep well! :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Things are Looking Up

Alright people, check this out:

I have an interview with a marketing company in Denver tomorrow at 3:15pm. I have another place calling me tomorrow to set up an interview. And I will be dropping my resume off for this cool Event Account Manager position tomorrow right in the heart of downtown Denver. 

Drum roll please...

We are the front runners for a place in Highlands Denver area!! 
It is tiny as hell...but it is in budget, it is close-ish (though not as close as I had originally hoped) to downtown, and there are three [super extra tiny] bedrooms. The fact that we found anything even remotely in those categories is a miracle. Please keep your fingers crossed, send us good vibes, pray for us...whatever it is that you do...for us to get this place!! Having a place to call home will be a huge weight off all our shoulders...

After Alex, Doug, and I all visited the Open House together, we went to a local coffee and wine bar, the boys drank a bit while we drafted an email to our hopefully future landlord, and we had the chance to relax and laugh a bit together. Everything has been very tense simply because there are so many unknowns...having just one "known" on the horizon is clearly what all of us needed to relax a bit. We are living together because it will be fun, memorable, and pretty much constantly was nice to get a taste of all the love I know this year will hold. 

I know that every moment that passes is one moment closer we are to stability, incomes, and carefree memories. I'm on the verge of happy tears just thinking about it...

*begins breakdown number 3 for the day*

I hope tomorrow brings only more good news, forward motion, and success for the three of us. Thanks for checking in :)

Oh, also, a pesky friend brought up a good point..."My Monthly Serendipities" isn't exactly a truthful title for this blog right it? I apologize for the fraud in this website title. I'm too excited to wait for the end of this month to share our adventures, successes, and roadblocks of the next few weeks :) Please forgive me. 

Crisis Averted

I've never been so upset and then so relieved so quickly after the other. 

Check this out: 


The First Emotional Break

Doug and I are currently set up at a cute little coffee shop in Fort Collins. I just applied for a job working with AmeriCorps NCCC in Denver (that would be exciting huh?) and we started cracking jokes about who knows what.

One moment I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes...the next...I'm crying and saying "this is so hard". I am an uncontrollable emotional roller coaster. It is Day Two. This is not a good sign...

Doug: Shannon, I would never take a picture of you crying...
*click click click*
Despite the fact that this sounds broken and depressing, I'm actually fine. I think its funny when my emotions creep out when I'm trying hardest to stay strong and motivated. Just a few more days until the uncertainty is over. We gotta keep pushing. Our efforts should definitely be rewarded...hopefully sooner than later...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Colorado Compromise

Not gunna lie--wrote a whole post and it got deleted. I'm pretty upset. Unfortunately it will be taken out on my blog and it's readers. This post will not be nearly as insightful or beautifully written as the post lost in cyber space-- I'm sorry to you all. 

Anyway, quick update:

Went into Denver today and checked out a BUNCH of apartment complexes. We realized we all need to compromise on price, location, and space. This process will be and already is a test of patience, perseverance, and luck...quite honestly. 

Watched the Germany v. Brazil game at a bar with wifi to increase productivity and happiness levels...only one of those goals was realized in that activity...

Plan for tomorrow: stay in Fort Collins doing research, job apps, apartment complex/house calls, and hopefully some form of exercise until we go to an Open House in the early evening. Luckily we all (Doug, Alex, and I) will be able to attend together :) 

Quirks of today: the lovely home we're staying at only has a bath...that incorporated a whole new kind of struggle in my day...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Fort Collins today, Denver again tomorrow

Doug and I are currently posted up in this awesome unfurnished, about-to-get-moved-out-of apartment, we're well fed, and we're ready to take tomorrow by storm. 

We're going into the city to drop resumes off at downtown bars, restaurants, and coffee shops to work on some temporary income. We plan on setting up some walk throughs at houses and apartments we find online or even on foot, and we're gunna generally be poking our heads around the area to see what's happening and what's not. 

Not going to lie--I'm nervous as all hell. We have a lot to do and very little time to do it in. Ideally, I'd like to have a job (temporary or otherwise), a place to live, and/or a set date for both those things by one week from today. 

Please oh please wish all of us luck. I'm convinced we might need it... 

Talk soon! 

We Made it to Denver!!

We're here!

Doug and I hit the road about 9:00 AM this morning and stopped at the unfortunately few view points. We took pictures where we could though...and my goodness were they beautiful. I've never felt so small driving between those Colorado mountains before. 

As mentioned yesterday, Doug, Alex, and I planned to meet up at an Open House for an apartment in one of the areas which we are hoping to live. Unfortunately, as Doug and I arrived Denver, Alex called saying the complex has just signed a lease to someone. Despite the disappointment of not having a prospective living situation in our sights, we actually realized that location isn't exactly what we're looking for. So win win for all of us, I suppose. 

The three of us had a little reunion lunch and asked our waitress for some helpful suggestions as we look for housing and jobs in the downtown Denver area. She was unbelievably helpful. Here we go networking already...

Currently we are in a coffee shop in the Highlands area in Denver, CO. All of us have our internet devices out and we're searching Craigslist with apartments on the mind. We have opened our options to 2-bedrooms as well as 3-bedrooms since one of our apartment/real estate contacts mentioned how challenging it is to find 3-bedroom places in the area of our liking. 

We plan on driving around some of the neighborhoods which we would like to live in right after this...then we head to Fort Collins to stay with Alex's generous friend Kat for a week...but hopefully less if we find a place soon!

More updates to come soon! Bye! :)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

From Orange County to Grand Junction

We made it to Grand Junction, CO everyone! Because we just completed 14 hours straight of travel and are finally relaxing for the night, I'm going to make this one quick on words and heavy on pictures.

  • Cried when I said goodbye to my parents and to their "you know you're always welcome home...alright?" farewell
  • Got on the road by 6:15 AM (15 minutes late...I know...)
  • Doug saw his first ever 80 MPH speed limit sign-- he's never seen it get up so high! And to be fair...I don't think I have either
  • Ran into a bit of a storm in Utah...
Pre-rain fall.
During rainfall. 
  • Stopped at the San Rafael Swell to take pictures and stretch our legs

  • Doug decided this picture would be "hilarious"
Doug: Shannon, take a picture of me sleeping.
Me: You're driving, no.
Doug: No no, don't worry, I'll keep my left eye open.
  • I seemed to have some serious noun aphasia aka I had a ridiculously hard time thinking of what items were called when I was trying to talk about them
  • This is how far we are from Denver! (that says 256 miles FYI)

  • There was a pretty sunset tonight :)

Now for tomorrow, we hope to leave Grand Junction, CO by 9:00 AM so that we can get to an Open House/Apartment tomorrow afternoon with our future roommate (and best friend) Alex. Maybe this will be the one!!

On another note, we were so thrilled with our view at the San Rafael Swell that we have sworn to stop at more (if not all) of the view points we pass tomorrow. So there will definitely be more beautiful pictures to come. 

Thanks for checking in. See you tomorrow :)

Storm Clouds!

We're about to drive into this bad boy...

Energy Juice

In an attempt to save money and space, Doug and I bought a "liquid water enhancer" with caffeine and vitamins to help fuel us through the long 12 hour day.  I just opened it to add it to our extra water thing I knew I was watching deep purple liquid quickly shoot onto Doug and my entire left forearm. I quickly licked the concentrate off my arm and now I'm all sticky. Stupid elevation change. 

Until the next silly story...

Day 1: 1/3 of the way to Grand Junction

Ah yes, experiencing the cultural food of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Departure in T minus 7 Hours

The day has finally arrived. I leave for my next (and very real) adventure tomorrow morning by 6:00 AM at the very latest. Here's a quick description of what is going on for those of you who do not already know:

I am moving to Denver, Colorado my next series of life events. I'm not sure how long this chapter will be...but it will likely be the most emotional, impulsive, and action-filled chapter of this adventurous life. Doug, Alex, and I will be staying at Alex's friends house in Fort Collins, CO for about a week...and then the whole "roof over our heads" thing is a little up in the air. As I mentioned through Facebook a few days ago, if you know anyone who can let us rest our heads and wash our bodies for a night or two-- any help is always greatly appreciated. Hopefully we will not be apartment-less for long though...

My wonderful boyfriend Doug flew out to California on Tuesday to help keep me company while I packed, to see California for the first time, and to help me drive out to Colorado about a week earlier than I would have been able to otherwise (I would have had to wait for my Mom to take time off of work and leave instead on the 11th). We've been packing and cleaning and cooking for my family all week...and by some insane miracle, one of Doug's best friends from childhood lives about 15 minutes from my parents house AND another one of this childhood friends was in town visiting. Point being-- the boys were able to reconnect and it gave us some great 4th of July memories.

Today has been my big day of prolonged packing procrastination. 8 hours before departure and I can finally say I'm "ready" to go. We've tried to relax much of today, we of course watched the World Cup games, and we had a great dinner with my parents at my always favorite Avila's El Ranchito.

As I type, Doug is packing the car I will be loaning from my parents for the next few months: a 2012 Toyota Prius. I think it is a robot...and the more reading up we do on all it's capabilities, the more this nickname is confirmed. This car is going to be full...and it is only a small fraction of all the belongings I hope to get moved out to Denver in the next few months. We will have to cross that bridge when we get there...

Now that I have updated you all on today's preparation activities, I should also tell you this: I intend to keep you all up to date on our travels, couch surfing, apartment and job hunts, and other exciting happenstances along the way. I'm storing up all the travel expense receipts to see how much we actually spend in the next few weeks, to see if we can be more economical about it in the future, and to give some fun little anecdotes about the insanity!

Well, that is all for tonight. Keep tuned in for some hopefully more exciting information and stories soon...Good night! :)

"Doug, come take a picture with me for my blog!" We're excited :)