Things I Write

Monday, July 14, 2014

Today's Epiphany

As you all know, I've been busy as can be with interviews, moving in, and now cleaning this dust ridden place up (oh, it is so bad).

After my interview today with a third "marketing" company in Denver, I came to a self-respecting conclusion. Quick background on these companies: one is essentially door to door sales to individuals, another is door to door sales for small businesses, and the last is as one of those people who sit at booths in Costco or Sam's Clubs. While these companies probably offer good leadership opportunities and the chance to step out of my comfort zone about a million times a day, I can't settle for these positions. I am too educated, too motivated, too much of a creative asset, and too passionate about people and making a difference in people's lives to be in this kind of position. Yes, I need a job and yes I need one soon...but these options so far are too degrading to the things I value most about myself. 

I had the best job in the entire world this past year. I worked for a corporation that literally changes people's lives. I know it will be a challenge to find a job as meaningful with an actual paycheck...but I need to find something close. Anything close. And I may have today. I found a nonprofit position in education, applied for it, and now I am (yes, I'm about to say it) praying about it. 

I need to make money this year and for the rest of my life, but I want my work to mean something. Tomorrow I take a turn in my application approach. Find companies I love first...and then hope they have a position open. Not the other way around. 

Okay. Rant-ish-thing over. I can't wait to be excited about this job search process again. I definitely needed to put some of my values and self-worth in check before I found something. Now that I have, I can relax and hope for the best :) 

On another note, look how Doug and I ate dinner tonight: 

But don't worry--furniture is on the way. My dad is bringing stuff out this weekend!! Thank you thank you thank you so much Dad. I can't wait to show you my new house (and take you to te awesome corner bar we found)!! I love you and mom so very much. Thank you for helping and being so supportive through this whole process. I can't wait to see you :) 

Okay...time to run out for a bit. I think we need wine...bye :) 

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