Things I Write

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September Couldn't End Soon Enough

I'm angry. I don't ever get angry. But I've been angry more in this stupid month of September than I have any other time in my life. It's even worse than AmeriCorps frustrations...believe it or not. 

It is the first day of Fall. I should be frolicking in a pumpkin patch...but instead I'm still showing the house to potential roommates. I should be getting paid for this...but instead I'm going to have to pay more rent to make the final empty room more desirable. 

I'm miserable and frustrated and have been totally screwed over. 

This sucks. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Motion Censored Lights

Today was extra strange for a span of about 5 minutes.

The five minutes all started when...

I went to the staff bathroom at North High School after Drop-In hours ended at Mi Casa. As I was in the bathroom for what didn't seem like that much time, the lights went out on me. Shockingly enough, my first emotions wasn't fear... My first emotion was embarrassment. What if someone had walked into the bathroom right then to find some weirdo going potty in the dark!? (Yes, I am 23. And yes, I did say "going potty"). I was and could have been that weirdo. 

As soon as the lights went out, I naturally started flailing my arms and legs around wildly. But no, that didn't work. It took me exiting the stall and walking all the way over to the entrance in order to turn the lights back on. Who only puts a light sensor at the entrance to a bathroom?? There's absolutely no way that I am the only person who has ever had this experience...(I hope). 

So that was weird, right?

Well it gets weirder. 

As I'm walking to my car just having this traumatizing pitch black restroom experience, this group of girls start yelling at me to get my attention. They kept hollering "Girl! Girl with the backpack! Girl with the boots! Lady with the pony tail! Lady! Girl with the turquoise backpack!" and other vague poor-attention-grabbing identifiers. I realized as I was walking away that they are likely some of my students I have in my drop-in program. I started to feel bad for ignoring them...but then I realized THEY DON'T KNOW MY NAME YET! Rude. 

The end. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Bump in the Road

Life wouldn't be life if there weren't a few bumps in the road.

And here's my bump:

My adventure partner/boyfriend/best friend is moving back to Long Island, NY to take care of his family. It is decisions like these that make me so grateful to have such a selfless and loving person in my life. But it is also these decisions that test my patience, support, and love. I have been struggling to keep on a happy face with the stresses of searching for new roommates, purchasing home supplies, coming down with a cold, three jobs, and figuring out how to participate in a (successful) long distance relationship.

It has been about 8 days since I received this news and so far, here's what I got: Sometimes I get really sad, I'm not looking forward to cooking for myself or running errands alone, and I am significantly more susceptible to tears during somewhat emotional parts of TV shows. Mostly, though, I'm grateful. I have three wonderful jobs I can focus on, a handful of friends to reconnect with in Colorado, and a really awesome place to go visit now...

When I started my AmeriCorps year, I was told to "expect the unexpected" and to always be "FEMA Flexible". I thought that because I was more in control of my life this year that these cheesy phrases would not be as applicable...clearly the universe is now having a nice little laugh...

ANYWAY, this is going to be another fun new adventure, not exactly what I had planned, but when is it ever? Until the next bump, I'll be riding this one :)