Things I Write

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Coffee Shop

Okay, so maybe this isn't the most glamorous or challenging place for me to work at the age of 23 (almost 24). But hear this-- working here has been networking gold. Do you know how many people of such different walks of life I've met working here? I meet college students. business owners, doctors, freelance writers, therapists, musicians, engineers, retired old men who make clocks, toddlers that dress up like Elsa for Halloween, people with multiple personalities disorder, Cal Poly alum, and the list goes on. I've met one-on-one with some of these people to just pick their brain about what they do. Do you know how much people love to talk about themselves...especially if they like their job? SO MUCH. 

It was just proven today, yet again, that this coffee shop is a goldmine for networking. Turns out, one of the women who comes in that I absolutely adore has a very close friend who works at the company I just applied for-- in New York City. Small world, right? 

Adrenaline has been coursing through me since this discovery. Does this connection mean anything? Not necessarily. But I know someone who knows someone who works at a really badass nonprofit in the city I'm trying to move to. There is absolutely no way that this is bad information to have. 

Fingers crossed a gazillion times over. The good vibes, the prayers, they are all welcome. Here goes nothin'!

Also, unrelated to work: I am at 10, 344 words in my novel. I feel like I'm flying. 

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