Things I Write

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Capital of the United States

Let me first start off with this…it is WAY too easy to get comfortable with not working. Yes, I have quickly re-adjusted to the go-go-go nature of AmeriCorps, but my goodness, work is exhausting! I’m severely neglecting Jack Kerouac (author of the novel I’m reading) during breaks in the day by eating food, taking naps, socializing with my friends, preparing for presentations, and packing for my next move instead of reading! It is quite a shame and I hope that the deceased novelist and the finely wrought words forgive me one day.

Secondly, my team and I are deployed with OTHER TEAMS this time. WHAT!? I am mostly completely excited about this. Being with Team Leaders on our last round for even a small amount of time was entirely rejuvenating for me…even if just for a short time. I’m only slightly anxious about the company because it will be a totally different atmosphere for my team. Like me, Bayou 6 has a hard time splitting their time among social outlets. Some things seem more gratifying than others, some activities require a lot of energy (especially for us introverts), and sometimes it’s a heck of a lot easier to say “no” than it is to try. I worry, of course, that my team may choose those deployed around us over team time. I also worry for me. I worry that I would rather spend all my free time with other Team Leaders rather than decompressing with my team…or even alone. This obstacle will be much more manageable once we’re there and after some expectations are set within myself and for my team. Until then, I shan’t worry about it.

Now the information you’re really wondering but basically already know because of the title of this post…Where is Bayou 6 going this round??

Washington, D.C. baby!! :)

Not only will Bayou 6 be deployed with other teams…but we will also have all the activities of Washington D.C. constantly surrounding us. I can’t think of a better place for us to make up all the hours we still need…there are so many opportunities! I’m ecstatic and anxious about the polar oppositeness of this SPIKE compared to our last…but this program is about change. I could not be more thrilled that my team will be given the challenging and wonderful opportunity to adapt.

I think we head out Friday…but possibly not until Tuesday. A lot of things are still in the works. Technically, I should warn all of you that there may be an amendment to the location post again…though that doesn’t quite affect you as much as it does me or my team…

Anywho—I can’t wait for this new adventure, yet again. I can’t wait to tell you of all the joys and struggles (and how we overcome them) of this next SPIKE. Until then…Happy Living <3 

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