Things I Write

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Nothing-Too-Crazy November

I guess I’ve gotten a bit behind on the monthly updates again huh? Well here’s to going back in time and writing them anyway. I am a stubborn little lady…so even though this stuff isn’t particularly relevant in the middle of April…it still happened and I’m still going to write about it. Cheers to stubbornness!!

November was a relatively anticlimactic month…in that nothing Earth shattering happened. Emotional turmoil occurred as per usual…and I had to drive in the snow for the first time which was the most treacherous thing I’ve ever had to do in order to commute for work…but besides that, it’s all run-of-the-mill.

Working with them High Schoolers

Multiple times a year, Mi Casa has students take surveys so that we can get funding through certain grants and just to track their progress. During November, we had our first meeting regarding a couple of the survey’s results. Most of the information told us that the students don’t feel much peer-to-peer trust. We have since been working hard to create a peer-support-system amongst the students. Despite that pretty big glitch, we did find out something pretty cool. Our students responded to the survey with information that showed they feel heard, supported, and safe with all of the Mi Casa staff. We were all very happy about this.

A student stepped up and helped me run a program she planned called “Fear Factor”—yes, like the show. It wasn’t icky gross stuff like in the show (mostly because I can’t have students eating spiders on my watch) but we did do fun little timed challenges. The best one was a thing we called “The Slimy Search.” The day before our little event, we made spaghetti noodles and Jell-o and hid 10 little licorice pieces in each container. We let the Jell-o solidify overnight and then everyone had to just dig in. It was messy and fun and the students really liked it J

The Slimy Search!

A Long Island Thanksgiving

I bought a ticket out to New York for Thanksgiving 42 hours before my departure time. I’m not a super impulsive person…but I’m glad I was this time. I got to spend about 5 days with Doug and his family during the holidays. I love being with people I care about at the holidays—don’t you? Doug and I made gluten free cheesecake (holy crap it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever had…or maybe it’s just because I hadn’t had cheesecake in a long time), I found pumpkin cider that ACTUALLY tasted like pumpkin, I watched my favorite movie/musical “Rent”, played lots of charades, and was made extra special gluten free stuffing and gravy at Doug’s family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone was so considerate and welcoming and warm. It was a great last minute trip.

Awesome pictures from our photoshoot with Doug's Mom for her
new line of men's hats! And girls ones too :)

Attempting to be Social

Tennyson Street is a happening place these days. Downpours is poppin’ and there are lots of restaurants opening almost every day (slight exaggeration). My absolute [now] favorite restaurant is a little place called Block&Larder. I went over there on their first soft-opening day after I got off of work at the coffee shop. It’s the first not-café-type-place I’ve ever been to alone. I chatted with the bartenders and the other people sitting at the bar enjoying the food. I’ve never been so brave socially in my entire life! Although now I wish I never discovered this talent…I find myself trekking across the street more than my pocket book likes…

The Simple Serendipities

The Race Exhibit. Ah, yes. My roommate Sam and I went to the Colorado History Museum and checked out the Race Exhibit that was there for the season. It was amazing and so educational. We went to a “special event” there so they also narrowed racism down to Colorado and Denver alone…which was out of the ordinary for the exhibit. It was really neat.

My first drawing :)
New Hobbies. After watching Doug’s mom crochet so many things while I was in Long Island (you guys should definitely check out her stuff here), I decided I wanted to try out the hobby myself. I went out and got crochet hooks, yarn, and a fun little drawing-start-up-kit. I love crafting :)

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