Things I Write

Thursday, April 9, 2015

My New Writing Game

My parents got me the most adorable and dorky birthday present a recent novelist and brand new writing group member could ask for...

They got me a "game" called The Writer's Toolbox and yes, we did play it at our writing group last night. And this is why I write to you today.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Ideally, I hoped to write one poem a day during this month...but let's be real, that hasn't been happening. But lo and behold, because I had writing group last night, I wrote a poem. I have never ever ever published a poem on the internet so please be kind. The following poem is what was created as a result of The Writer's Toolbox and National Poetry Writing Month. 


I put tulips under all the pillows and then I set the house on fire
The pink petals billowed
Cotton Candy
The toddlers from across Sherman Avenue crawl slugglishly toward it
I try to wave them away
But each word out of my mouth is green petal after petal
I pull leaves from my eyelids
Brush dirt from my kneecaps
She found a diamond bracelet in the back of the car-- little baby Peyton
That's the last I saw of her before she was swallowed
Choking in the thickness I created

I used to plant tulips at the Foster House garden
I lived there from twelve to eighteen before I got the fuck out of Dodge
Dodge, Arkansas-- really
I see the foster parents' judging eyes and I am peaceful once again drowning in this smoke

The lemon sherbet that melted all over the counter is what lit the match, I'll tell them
Its yellow ooze dripping slowly like the children crawling
With each drip
Good thing I had the flowers ready

The slightly purple words are the sentences from the game. You pick a "First Sentence" stick then you write for 6 minutes. You pick a "NonSequitur" stick and write for 6 minutes. Then you pick up a "Last Straw" stick and finish up. So there ya go. If you want to write something, anything, even if its terrible, I seriously suggest picking up this game. It is/was fun :)

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